The next Association Meeting will be held on March 12, 2025, at 6:00pm at PSHQ and Zoom. Instructions for logging into the meeting via Zoom will be sent out prior to the meeting and will be available on the Association website. Reminder: The shrimp feast is open to members & their spouses / caregivers and invited guests only. See you then.
The next Association luncheon will be held in conjunction with the Lunch in the Valley at the Front Royal Moose Lodge in Front Royal, VA. on April 23, 2025, at 12:00pm. Hope to see you there.
Member Login
Click on the calendar month to open the main calendar page.
On this page we will work to provide you the member with educational information concerning health and wellness, life and estate planning, and other important items as they become available to the Association.
A “Fact Sheet” prepared by the Fairfax County Retirement System, which discusses “Pre and Post” Tax Contributions into the system. It provides information on contributions made before January 1, 1985, and after January 1, 1985. It also provides answers to some FAQ’s about the DROP Plan.
Should you have any questions, the Retirement Office number is 703-279-8200
Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Cancer Support Network 02/24/2015 - 0.55MB
Emergency Estate Binder 02/24/2015 - 0.51MB
Emergency Estate Binder Table of Contents 02/24/2015 - 0.07MB
Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Retirement Association