Health & Welfare
Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Retirement Association, Inc. Health & Welfare Guidelines Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline guidelines for the operation of the Health & Welfare Committee with respect to significant injury/illness, hospitalization or death of a member or their family. The Chair of the Health & Welfare Committee has the authority to vary from this policy with the approval of the President or the Vice President. General Information Upon notification of a member's death or the death of a member's spouse, the President shall immediately appoint a member to contact the family (preferably in person) for the purpose of offering the Association's condolences and to offer support. The family should be directed to the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department First Team for assistance. Cards Cards are sent to the following individuals, as appropriate.
Flowers or Fruit Basket The Association will send flowers or a fruit basket to the following individuals for any significant injury, illness or hospitalization of 3 days or more.
Charitable Donations (A charitable donation is preferred over a gift of flowers.) The Association, upon the death of the individuals listed below, will make a Charitable Donation in the amount of $150.00 for a member and $100.00 for all others listed. The Treasurer will be notified so that a check can be sent. The Treasurer will use the Memorial donation card to send the donation. In lieu of a family requested memorial donation, a donation will be made to The Fairfax County Firefighters Fund.
Updated January 30, 2025 HONOR GUARD FUNERAL MATRIX Official Fire and Rescue Department funerals shall fall into one of two categories: Line of duty/occupational-related death: Line of duty/occupational-related deaths for career and operational volunteers are classified as traumatic loss of life while the individual is on duty or while the individual is performing an off duty Good Samaritan Act. Loss of life that is related to presumptive heart/lung, cancer legislation is considered part as well. Non-Line of duty death: Funeral Matrix (Revised Aug 2021)
FCFRRA HEALTH & WELFARE COMMITTEE NOTIFICATION Today's Date _______________ Date of Illness / Death _________________ Name of Member / Non-Member ____________________________________________ Reason Death / Illness / Injury Who Provided Information Self / Family / Friend Contact Information of Person Reporting _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ If Death, First Team Notified Y / N Can Information be Released to Membership Y / N If Hospitalized, Place / Address ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Room # __________ Calls / Texts Y / N Phone # __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ If Death, Funeral Home Address ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Visitation Services _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Name & Address of Donation ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ FD Funeral Requested Y / N If Yes, Must Have Contact Information of Family Member to Work with FRD. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Date FRD Notified __________ Honor Guard Y / N Radio Announcement Y / N Bagpiper Y / N Additional Information ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ The Association has adopted new guidelines for the Health and Welfare Committee; the purpose is to establish steps to be taken when addressing the illness, injury or death of a member or a member of their family. Pages one and two serve as a guide as to how the Association will respond to notification of an illness, injury or death of a member or a member of their family. Page three is a page from the FRD Casualty Assistance Program Manual entitled Honor Guard Funeral Matrix. This page outlines services provided by the Department, if needed. Page four is a check list of information we need to follow our procedures, and to assist the Department, if needed. Obtaining accurate information, from a responsible party, is of the utmost importance, not only to ensure that the information is correct but also to protect the privacy if the individual. The member or a member of his/her family will have the ability to determine what information is to be divulged to the membership. January 16, 2016 Updated February 3, 2022 If you know of an Association member or an immediate family member experiencing a serious medical issue or of their passing, please click here to notify an Executive Board member so that the Association may provide assistance, if requested. Anybody wishing to donate to the Health and Welfare Fund and does so via check, please write Health & Welfare Fund on the Memo line of the check.
Page Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 (06:37:22)